Pokemon Showdown Commands

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May 7th, 2015
Pokemon Showdown Commands
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  1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Global ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. .mail [user], [message] - sends the specified user a message the next time they come online (in a room shared with Lady Monita)
  3. .randombattle [pokemon] - displays possible moves for a Pokemon in Random Battle
  4. .randomdoublesbattle [pokemon] - displays possible moves for a Pokemon in Random Doubles Battle
  5. .seen [user] - displays when a user was last seen by Lady Monita
  6. --- Room staff commands ---
  7. .logs [room], [user or *], [startDate] - [endDate], [phrase] - searches chat logs of the specified room for a user or a phrase in the given time period (endDate defaults to the current date)
  8. .daystats/daylogs [room], [start date - end date], [top # of users to show]: this will show the top # of active users (defaults to 1-5) for the given period. The dates are the same as in .logs, month/day with the end date defaulting to the present day. The only required argument is the room.
  9. .hourstats/hourlogs [room], [start hour - end hour], [start date - end date], [top # of users to show]: similar to the above except it shows active users in the given hours (0 -23) in the given period. Just giving the start hour defaults to 1 hour total. The only required arguments are the room and starting hour.
  10. For both .daystats and .hourstats, you can add either 'auth' or a specific rank (up to below your own) at the end to either include roomauth or only show users with the specified rank.
  11. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tournaments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. --- Staff commands ---
  13. .tour official - starts signups for the official tournament of the day
  14. .tour [format] - starts signups for the given format
  15. .tour start - starts the tournament and sets the autodq time, scouting, and modjoin rules
  16. .randomtour - starts a randomly chosen tournament
  17. .forcenexttour [format] - forcibly set the next tournament (should only be used in 'emergencies')
  18. .tourpoll - starts a poll with some of the least recently played formats
  19. .cap [number] - set the playercap for the current tournament
  20. --- Scripted Tournament Game commands ---
  21. .create [format] - create a new scripted tournament game
  22. .starttour - start the scripted tournament (will assign starting teams and link to the Challonge page)
  23. .jointour - used in PMs with Lady Monita to join the tournament
  24. .leavetour - used in PMs with Lady Monita to leave the tournament
  25. .starter - used in PMs with Lady Monita to see your starter Pokemon
  26. .check - used in PMs with Lady Monita to have your battle checked and the result set on Challonge
  27. --- Informational commands ---
  28. .tour - displays the duration, number of participants, remaining players, and estimated remaining time of the current tournament
  29. .nexttour - displays the next tournament tier and the remaining cooldown time
  30. .top - displays the current Top 10 users on the leaderboard
  31. .blt - displays the current round of the Best 'Leaderboarders' Tournament or current qualifiers during BLT season
  32. .rank [username] - displays another user's current leaderboard points
  33. .recenttours OR .pasttours - displays the recent scripted tournament formats
  34. .lasttour [format] - displays the last time the format was played
  35. .join - links to the guide for joining tournaments
  36. .approval - links to the guide for getting tournaments approved
  37. .official - shows the official format of the day, time until next tournament, and format info
  38. .official [day] - shows the official format for the specified day
  39. .format [format] - links to explanations/other pages related to a format
  40. .teams [format] - links to sample teams for a format if available
  41. .rankings [format] - links to viability rankings for a format if available
  42. .leaderboard - links to the official tournament schedule & leadboard page
  43. .tourpoints [# of players] - shows the number of points awarded by the current tournament or by the specified amount of players
  44. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Games ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  45. --- Game commands ---
  46. .signup [game] - begins the signup phase for a scripted game (Ambush, Blackjack, Roulette, or Who's That Pokemon)
  47. .end - forcibly ends the current game
  48. .cap [number] - set the playercap for the current game
  49. .join - join the game during signup phase
  50. .host [user], [game] - promote a user to temporary host
  51. .wyr - generates a random 'Would You Rather' scenario
  52. .mq - generates a random 'Monita's Question' prompt
  53. .move - generate a random move
  54. .ability - generate a random ability
  55. .character - generate a random in-game or anime character
  56. .existingtype - generate a random typing that an existing Pokemon has
  57. .uniquetype - generate a random typing that no existing Pokemon has
  58. .timer [minutes|seconds] - sets a timer for the specified time
  59. --- Informational commands---
  60. .bits [user|#] - displays bits for the specified user or the user in the specified leaderboard position
  61. .topbits - displays the top 5 users on the leaderboard
  62. .chieves - displays the achievements that you have unlocked
  63. .chieves [user] - displays the achievements of the specified user
  64. .lastgame [game] - displays the last time the specified game was played
  65. --- PM games ---
  66. .autobuyticket - start automatically buying tickets for every GC lotto
  67. .endautobuyticket - end automatically buying tickets for every GC lotto
  68. .port - try to solve a Portmanteau problem
  69. .anagram - try to solve an Anagram
  70. .mashup - try to solve a Mashup
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Pokemon Showdown Commands

Regdate (username) - Get the register date of a Pokemon Showdown account; regtime (username) - Get the age of a Pokemon Showdown account, useful for check if an account is autoconfirmed; Commands for getting pokemon info: translate move/item/ability/nature, (source lang), (target lang) - Command for translating pokemon stuff. Pokemon Showdown commands. /msg OR /whisper OR /w username, message - Send a private message. /reply OR /r message - Send a private message to the last person you received a message from, or sent a message to. /ip - Get your own IP address. /ip username - Get a user's IP address. Requires: @ &. Pokemon Showdown Commands Help by Jmainejj. And the parameters 'FE' or 'NFE' can be added to search fully or not-fully evolved Pokemon only.

Pokemon Showdown commands - Pastebin.com /msg OR /whisper OR /w username, message - Send a private message. /reply OR /r message - Send a private message to the last person you received a message from, or sent a message to. /ip - Get your own IP address. Garchomp sweeps 11 pokemon ou RainSeven07 vs. My body is regi An entire team based on Assist V-create ou Exeggutor vs. Minato4thHokage An unlikely victory with an unusual Alakazam set ou V4 vs. TryHardPony A successful sweep with Entrainment Truant +.

Pokemon Showdown Team Generator

Jul 16th, 2014
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. /msg OR /whisper OR /w [username], [message] - Send a private message.
  2. /reply OR /r [message] - Send a private message to the last person you received a message from, or sent a message to.
  3. /rating [username] - Get user's rating.
  4. /avatar [new avatar number] - Change your trainer sprite.
  5. /whois - Get details on yourself: alts, group, IP address, and rooms.
  6. /whois [username] - Get details on a username: alts (Requires: % @ & ~), group, IP address (Requires: @ & ~), and rooms.
  7. /data [pokemon/item/move/ability] - Get details on this pokemon/item/move/ability/nature.
  8. !data [pokemon/item/move/ability] - Show everyone these details. Requires: + % @ & ~
  9. /details [pokemon] - Get additional details on this pokemon/item/move/ability/nature.
  10. !details [pokemon] - Show everyone these details. Requires: + % @ & ~
  11. /analysis [pokemon], [generation] - Links to the Smogon University analysis for this Pokemon in the given generation.
  12. !analysis [pokemon], [generation] - Shows everyone this link. Requires: + % @ & ~
  13. /groups - Explains what the + % @ & next to people's names mean.
  14. !groups - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  15. /opensource - Links to PS's source code repository.
  16. !opensource - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  17. !avatars - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  18. /intro - Provides an introduction to competitive pokemon.
  19. !intro - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  20. /cap - Provides an introduction to the Create-A-Pokemon project.
  21. !cap - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  22. /om - Provides links to information on the Other Metagames.
  23. !om - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  24. /learn [pokemon], [move, move, ...] - Displays how a Pokemon can learn the given moves, if it can at all.
  25. !learn [pokemon], [move, move, ...] - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  26. !calc - Shows everyone a link to a damage calculator. Requires: + % @ & ~
  27. /away - Blocks challenges so no one can challenge you. Deactivate it with /back.
  28. /back - Unlocks challenges so you can be challenged again. Deactivate it with /away.
  29. /faq [theme] - Provides a link to the FAQ. Add deviation, doubles, randomcap, restart, or staff for a link to these questions. Add all for all of them.
  30. !faq [theme] - Shows everyone a link to the FAQ. Add deviation, doubles, randomcap, restart, or staff for a link to these questions. Add all for all of them. Requires: + % @ & ~
  31. /highlight add, word - add a new word to the highlight list.
  32. /highlight list - list all words that currently highlight you.
  33. /highlight delete, word - delete a word from the highlight list.
  34. Set your timestamps preference:
  35. /timestamps [all|lobby|pms], [minutes|seconds|off]
  36. all - change all timestamps preferences, lobby - change only lobby chat preferences, pms - change only PM preferences
  37. off - set timestamps off, minutes - show timestamps of the form [hh:mm], seconds - show timestamps of the form [hh:mm:ss]
  38. /effectiveness OR /matchup OR /eff OR /type [attack], [defender] - Provides the effectiveness of a move or type on another type or a Pokémon.
  39. !effectiveness OR /matchup OR !eff OR !type [attack], [defender] - Shows everyone the effectiveness of a move or type on another type or a Pokémon.
  40. /dexsearch [type], [move], [move], ... - Searches for Pokemon that fulfill the selected criteria.
  41. Search categories are: type, tier, color, moves, ability, gen.
  42. Valid colors are: green, red, blue, white, brown, yellow, purple, pink, gray and black.
  43. Valid tiers are: Uber/OU/BL/UU/BL2/RU/BL3/NU/LC/CAP.
  44. Types must be followed by ' type', e.g., 'dragon type'.
  45. Parameters can be excluded through the use of '!', e.g., '!water type' excludes all water types.
  46. The parameter 'mega' can be added to search for Mega Evolutions only, and the parameters 'FE' or 'NFE' can be added to search fully or not-fully evolved Pokemon only.
  47. /dice [optional max number] - Randomly picks a number between 1 and 6, or between 1 and the number you choose.
  48. /dice [number of dice]d[number of sides] - Simulates rolling a number of dice, e.g., /dice 2d4 simulates rolling two 4-sided dice.
  49. /pick [option], [option], ... - Randomly selects an item from a list containing 2 or more elements.
  50. /join [roomname] - Attempts to join the room [roomname].
  51. /ignore [user] - Ignores all messages from the user [user].
  52. /invite [username], [roomname] - Invites the player [username] to join the room [roomname].
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Smogon Pokemon Showdown Commands
