Wedding Programs Examples Baptist


This is a sample of bridal entourage line-up similar to a Catholic Wedding now engaging members to be in with their partners walking on as majestic music is played. The Officiant Minister can devise it if he. CHRISTIAN WEDDING CEREMONY. Traditional Christian Wedding still follows the old way of running how the ceremony goes and the Minister or Pastor who will officiate the order still has the say unless the couple has something rolled in their sleeves to make their wedding with a difference. Modern times speak of innovation and imagi.

I need someone to send me a sample of a Baptist wedding ceremony outline. I'm trying to figure out who/when does what..and how many songs we need to pick out to be sung during the ceremony. Thanks!

  • MyLove&HisMrs. ·

    I found this on the knot:

  • MyLove&HisMrs. ·

    Found this one as well:

  • Nancy Taussig ·

    Your officiant should be able to provide that info.

  • Shay ·

    Thanks! since we're so far away from our officiant, it's a little difficult to have him involved during the entire process. i'm trying to do a little pre-planning, so we can go ahead & get a soloist lined up..but it'd be nice to know when/how many/what songs they're going to sing before picking someone out.

  • MyLove&HisMrs. ·

    Hopefully the information will help. If not, post again.

    Happy planning!


Traditional Christian Wedding stillfollows the old way of running how the ceremony goes and the Minister or Pastorwho will officiate the order still has the say unless the couple has somethingrolled in their sleeves to make their wedding with a difference. Modern timesspeak of innovation and imagination that creep into doing contemporary weddingritual without destroying the essence of a true Christian Marriage Rite.

ØPRELUDE –While guests are seated, especially the bride and the groom’s grandparents, akind of prelude music sets the mood. It needs not be purely Christian Music butClassical Music defines what is best for everyone regardless if you appreciateor not the message that imparts. This takes around 10 minutes for your reverie.

ØPROCESSION –The traditional Christian Order doesn’t involve the principal sponsors andseems disregarding their presence and now a Christian Wedding involves themlike a Catholic processional arrangement and evidently speaking, if you attenda Christian Wedding, you see principal sponsors marching along the aisle notlike the old traditional way where the groom’s parents don’t march with theirson or the bridal march where only the father walks with her daughter with theBride’s mother already seated. Well, not anymore. Special people are given dueimportance.

This is asample of bridal entourage line-up similar to a Catholic Wedding now engagingmembers to be in with their partners walking on as majestic music is played.The Officiant Minister can devise it if he desires but this is the way it goesfor many weddings, not excluding a Christian Rite.

This is theorder of the procession similar to a Catholic Processional Order of The Bridal Entourage.

A.PASTOR ORMINISTER – STANDS AT THE ALTAR facing the congregation.

Baptist wedding ceremony program

B.BEST MAN - Stands at the left side of the groom

C.GROOM ANDPARENTS - Groom stands beside the Best Man while the parents are ushered in their seats


D.PRINCIPALSPONSORS - They march with their partners. Male principal sponsor on the right while the female principal sponsor at the left side.

E.CANDLESPONSORS - Both pair walks down the aisle

F.VEILSPONSORS - Both pair walks down the aisle

G.CORD SPONSORS - Both pairs walks down the aisle

H.BRIDESMAIDS AND GROOMSMEN - Partners as march the aisle



J.RING BEARER - Marches alone

Baptist Wedding Program

K.COIN BEARER - Marches alone

L.BIBLE BEARER - Marches alone

M. FLOWER GIRL - Walks alone as she scatters petals on the aisle, if allowed




Wedding Programs Examples Baptist

ØGIVING OFTHE BRIDE – The minister normally has his spiels signifying among thecongregation that the bride has to be handed over to the groom with their acceptanceby answering yes or a nod of acceptance. This is a typical Christian ritual.

ØOPENINGPRAYER - A right gesture to commence a special event.

ØMESSAGE –ELEMENTS OF GOOD MARRIAGE are standard examples of carrying on with theminister’s words of wisdom, enumerating how important they are for the coupleto heed on when listened to intently and depends upon the one delivering thoseimportant words. The pastor can do it otherwise with his own devised approachof giving a message not necessarily following the elements to its very essence.Just a sincere message can carry along.

ØCHARGE TOTHE COUPLE –This act signifies a certain spell for the couple to take intoaccount the compelling act of accepting the ups and downs of married life and their vow for each other to keep by their 'I do's'. This is the start up of everything else whether to continue the ceremony or not and it is one way of expanding the value of vows as they go on with the wedding ritual.

ØCHARGE TOTHE PARENTS – A ritual that expresses how the guidance of their parents is consideredthat they should be around with their ready helping hand when the need arises.

ØCHARGE TOTHE SPONSORS – A really nice gesture of suggesting an open arm to welcome thecouple during time of trouble.

ØCHARGE TOTHE CONGREGATION – This encourages everybody during the ceremony to at least,share a prayer for the couple to live a happy lives together as husband andwife.

ØTHE PLDEGE –Now this turns to something nostalgic by saying what one feels like expressing whatcomes from the recesses of one’s sincerethoughts and this is the moment with tears or laughter, perhaps. This is thecouple’s stage. It is not the usual vows rendered but the true understanding of what their intentions are going into the scene of belief where their words are sealed.

ØGIVING OFVOWS – A moment where two hearts are joined with the help of the ministerapplying the magic words uniting them together without fail. He now digs intothe pure message of marital vows expressed and unreserved acceptance.

ØGIVING OFTHE RINGS – This simply explains that they will be united forever by the powerof the pastor’s words like the Christ Jesus. He has the power now at this veryinstance.

ØUNITY CANDLE– I love this dramatic moment especially the golden symbolism of the ritualwhere BackgroundMusic is played as they light their candles to be forever in flames,figuratively speaking.

ØBIBLE – A handybook that miraculously opens into their eyes the good teachings of the Lord.That every good has to be given to each. That love has to reign. Thatforgiveness is evident.

ØCOINS –Plain to say that sharing their marital wealth is a practical way of dealinglife as it goes. In sickness and in health, through wealth and abundance betheirs also to share.

ØVEIL ANDCORD – This act finishes their pure intentions and no turning back or rejectingthe call of time when something gets weary. They are totally one in spirit andsoul entwined to travel in moment’s time and the end. Though at times eachfails to keep the promise for frail is the human spirit but being togetherstrengthens the bond to keep for eternity.

ØSIGNING OFTHE CONTRACT – ASong or Music Rendition

ØPRONOUNCEMENT– Publicly, they are now accepted and in the eyes of God, they are trueChristians of the world propagating the spirit of Christ-like self. Thateverybody has to be bonded to reach the pinnacle of free spirit exemplifying onlythe good.

ØTHE KISS - A Catholic Wedding does this without fail with Music as they do an act of longing that from now on they are true to themselves.

Sample Baptist Wedding Programs

ØDECLARATION –And so it is with the usual documentation of binding.

Wedding Programs Examples Baptist Churches



Wedding Programs Examples Baptist Church

AChristian Wedding Ceremony is one dramatic moment with the rituals that speakof union and creating the real impression of accepting what pushes the couplejoining hand in hand in marriage. It expresses how one feels and accepting nowthe other frailties and greatness as a human being. I now believe that it takestwo to tango and marital bliss happens this way. Try to live in a desert aloneand you be the judge.