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Mercan utilizes a unique competency-based workforce recruitment and selection process called “Mercan Recruit Advantage”. This is accomplished by undergoing the following 5-step process: 1. Please click here to register if you are not yet a member. Please click here if you forgot your password to login. Mercan has developed a partnership with Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) the Philippine Government training and skill competency development body to develop trainings.

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Powerful! I can see what's going on in my organization in one application. We've been using the corporate version of Ingrid in my company for the last 15 years and we can't imagine running our company without it.

We are in 15 health clubs and tennis centers in Japan, from Tokyo to Kobe. Ingrid connects all of my staff. I love the library module in Ingrid where we can publish all our training videos for our trainers and instructors.

Mercan Canada Employment Philippines Incorporation is the central recruitment and evaluation hub of the Mercan Group of Companies. It is strategically located in the heart of Pasig City Manila, right in front of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), easily accessible by applicants with over 20 technical evaluators and expert consultants. We employ industry experts as our Recruitment Evaluators/Assessors for screening, interviewing and assessing applicants.

These Recruitment Evaluators have the training, competencies and expertise to properly interview, evaluate and screen applicants. We have Recruitment Evaluators/Assessors from various fields, to wit: healthcare (nurses, physical therapists, dental technicians and medical doctors), science and technology, agriculture and animal raising, hospitality and service (hotels, resorts and restaurants) transportation and logistics, welding & fabrication, construction, education, mechanics (heavy duty, agriculture, transport, and auto), manufacturing, engineering, mining, security and more.

In addition to our seasoned evaluators and assessors, we have a Technical Board of Consultants providing guidance and information on the latest trends, technologies and relevant issues facing the abovementioned industries. We have representation in both private and public sectors in our Technical Board of Consultants and we consider this as our competitive advantage over our competitors.

Competency-based Interviewing and Assessment

This method has proven to be an effective technique in screening applicants. The interview aims to determine the applicants’ core competencies, technical skills, work experience and other essential personal qualities vis-à-vis the job specifications for the positions to which they are applying.

The interview and assessment process are broken down into several stages:

  • Initial Interview

We conduct a meticulous review of the applicant’s education, English language proficiency and experience. We interview applicants by the most appropriate means available whether it be in-person and via videoconferencing.

  • Behavioral Based Interviewing

Our interview process also includes behavioral based interviewing techniques, which allow us to determine the strengths and weaknesses of individual candidates in relation to the specific competencies most critical to the client’s organization.

  • Knowledge and Skills Assessment

Applicants are engaged in a technical interview conducted by our expert Recruitment Evaluators. This includes a demonstration of skills and abilities to determine their technical aptitude. They are also given a written examination to test competencies and proficiencies acquired through their education and previous work experience.

  • Video Interview

Qualified applicants may also record a video interview at any of our offices. Competency-based questions are also asked during the video interview. Employers can view the results anywhere in the world via our iQuestTM database engine through our website. Video interviews of applicants are used as additional evaluation tool in the final selection process.

  • Overseas Interview (Optional)

We can organize travel and interview arrangements to allow the client’s representative to interview the potential workers in their current place of residence (for large groups only).

  • Competency-based Reference Checking

We conduct all work reference reviews and provide our clients with resumes and supporting documents of pre-screened, qualified foreign workers for their final review and decision. Candidate profiles are submitted to the employer with complete presentations detailing the specific aspects that qualify them for the vacant posts. Once the employers have made a decision to pursue a particular applicant, a complete and comprehensive referencing process will be undertaken to confirm his/her skills and abilities.

  • Evaluation and Testing

Qualified applicants are given further relevant skills verification tests, to validate the degree of their technical aptitude. In Canada, foreign workers may also be required by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (“HRSDC”) to be tested and/or be certified. Employers, at their discretion, may test the candidates either directly, or through our facilities, in their country of residence.


We have several partnerships and collaborations with different prestigious training and testing centers both private and government; Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Philippine Nursing Association (PNA), Occupational Health Nursing Association of the Philippines (OHNAP), Meralco Foundation Institute (MFI), Center for Culinary Arts (CCA), Center for Hospitality Arts Management Philippines (CHAMP), Construction and Manpower Development Corp. (CMDC), and Philippine Welding Society (PWS).

Iquest mercan canada
  • Training

Mercan has developed a partnership with Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) the Philippine Government training and skill competency development body to develop trainings and curriculum to enhance the skills and competencies of Filipino workers. This will enable the workers to develop competencies and qualifications critical to the requirements of the Canadian employers. With this strategy, Mercan Recruit can ensure that the worker’s familiarity with the Canadian standards prior to their arrival. Furthermore, Mercan Recruit is authorized to use the training facilities of TESDA which are strategically located all around the country to make these trainings accessible to the workers.

Inquest Mechanism

With this unique partnership with TESDA (, we can provide a reformed industry-based training program that includes apprenticeship, a dual training system and certification programs for Canadian employers.