Greasy Lake Short Story Full Text Online

Greasy. Lake(1985) by T. Boyle It’s about a mile down on the darkside of Route 88. —Bruce Springsteen There was a time when courtesyandwinning. ways. went out of style., when it was good to be bad, when you cultivated decadencelike a taste. We were alldangerous characters then.

  • Greasy Lake written by T. Coraghessan Boyle is the tale of a young man completely living a life full of rebellion and loving it. He is brought to reality and the consequences of attempting to live the ‘bad life’.
  • Greasy Lake An unnamed narrator, looking back on his past, recalls “a time when it was good to be bad,” when he and his friends, at nineteen years old, were desperate to be seen as “dangerous characters.”.
Greasy Lake Short Story Full Text Online

Greasy Lake Text

GreasyDownload file to see previous pages The three boys think themselves as epitome of cool characters as they roll their marijuana cigarettes and wear sunglasses day and night. They think themselves as bad characters. “We were nineteen. We were bad”. (Boyle, 1). Yet, the characters are from good families and were not born on streets and they were not local hoodlums. They are three young boys who love to rebel. They belong to that genre of frustrated young men who attempt to find a suitable outlet to exercise their passion and energies in the so called refined American suburban society. They take effort to design their life in an elaborate manner to prove how bad and dangerous they are. In this story, one unfortunate incident at Greasy Lake transforms the characters from being innocent to mature individuals. (Warlock, 294) The story starts when the boys were having their summer vacations. On the third night the three of them set out in a car to seek some excitement in their otherwise dull and boring life. “The first two nights we’d been out till dawn, looking for something we never found” (Boyle, 2). It is a warm Saturday night in the month of June and they drive being bored and drunk and in their usual attire. “We wore torn-up leather jackets, slouched around with toothpicks in our mouths, sniffed glue and ether and what somebody claimed was cocaine” (Boyle, 1). They are seeking for some action to spice up their life. They drive up to Greasy Lake which was once known by the Indians as Wakan because of its clear water. It is now “glittering with broken glass and strewn with beer cans and the charred remains of bonfire…..this was nature”. This is the place where all the “bad” boys gathered “to snuff the rich scent of possibility on the breeze, watch a girl take off her clothes and plunge into the festering murk, drink beer, smoke pot, howl at the stars, savor the incongruous full-throated roar of rock and roll against the primeval susurrus of frogs and crickets” (Boyle, 2). On this particular night, the boys soon become entangled in violence and the “rich scent of possibility” turns sour. They mistakenly believe a car as their friend’s car and purposely do a lot of damage to it as part of their prank. “This was hilarious. Ajoke. Tony would experience premature withdrawal and expect to be confronted by grim-looking state troopers with flashlights” (Boyle, 3). They soon find out that the car belongs to a bad person in greasy jeans and boots. As they are getting beaten up, the narrator tries to find the car keys that he lost while climbing out of the car. He hits the antagonist with a tire iron and soon ends up in the primal ooze of Greasy Lake to swim to the other side where he can hide himself in the woods. The emergence of the tire iron is the turning point here as they think that they have killed the guy. They are shocked by the thought they have committed murder and are then accosted by the girl who is in the car. The boys attempt to rape her, but are soon interrupted when another car enters the parking lot. The boys are now convinced that they have murdered someone and also been witnessed as attempted rapists. The arrival of the car makes them jump into the Greasy Lake to swim to safety. Later on, it was found out that the man they hit has ...Download file to see next pagesRead More

Greasy Lake Short Story Full Text online, free


Greasy Lake Full Text

Joshua Glidden
English 102 professor Langham
July 8, 2015
“Greasy lake” The title of Boyle’s short story “Greasy Lake” before I start lets quickly get introduced to the word “greasy” and how it is used during this short story. the word greasy is indicating that the persons manners or behaviors are effusively polite in a way that is felt to be insincere and repulsive. Also it is based off of Bruce Springsteen’s song “Spirit in the Night.” The lyrics “It’s about a mile down on the dark side of Route 88”. The story focuses on three nineteen-year-old men living in a time (probably the 1960’s) the authors origin and motive of this story is to show the view of his childhood and the hell that he rose in the 80’s, time period and we can relate to this type of greasy behavior today. And generations to come. The narrator says, it was good to be bad, when young
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Also the conflict that was announced in the parking lot where the bad older character was hit with a tire iron and the three young teenage boys were fighting with this man. For the most part the narrator consistently talks about his wild life style. He chose even though he was from a well off family and he didn't have to take that road, but we all have the choice and every generation goes though it. The narrator also tips of his rebirth and baptism in the lake while he was running from his fight that he just encountered with the tire iron he trips over a body floating in the lake. All in all I thought this story was super fun to read and relate to in the sense of being wild and ruthless, but the song that came along with it was pretty awsome and was fun to listen to and get a feel for the time period and style back in the day where it was good to be