Mctft St Petersburg College

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I found The Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training program (MCTFT) through St. Petersburg college in Florida. They have quite a few courses that are basic and in-depth. Except when undue hardship exists, the College shall endeavor to provide reasonable accommodations to a qualified individual with a disability. If you have questions regarding this policy please contact the Director of EA/EO by phone at (727)341-3261, by mail at PO Box 13489, St Petersburg.

  1. Petersburg College. Mailing and Physical: 3200 34th Street South St. Petersburg, FL 33711.
  2. You are about to log in to St. Petersburg College’s Community Education System Platform. This system represents SPC’s partners in the learning community.
  3. The program is nationally responsive and is located at the Southeastern Public Safety Institute (SEPSI) of St. Petersburg College in St. Petersburg, Florida. SEPSI is a state-of-the-art facility with a wide variety of special features to enhance the training received. The Traumas of Law Enforcement - Free.

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There are a wide variety of free training opportunities available to law enforcement officers through the federal government and other organizations. Take advantage of these opportunities as an instructor and bring back the knowledge to your agency or training center.

The Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training (MCTFT) program provides unique, tuition-FREE, courses covering all aspects of counterdrug law enforcement and training support for community anti-drug coalitions. The program is a federally funded partnership through the Department of Defense between the Florida National Guard and St. Petersburg College. The program is nationally responsive and is located at the Southeastern Public Safety Institute (SEPSI) of St. Petersburg College in St. Petersburg, Florida. SEPSI is a state-of-the-art facility with a wide variety of special features to enhance the training received.

The Traumas of Law Enforcement - Free

Concerns of Police Survivors has presented on average, 7 segments of the “Traumas of Law Enforcement” at various locations across the country. This training dedicates 1-day to preparing and handling line-of-duty death, 1-day to the cumulative stress on an officer, ½ day to police suicide, and ½ day to the “traumatized officer”.

AMBER Alert Investigative Training

The AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance Program delivers onsite training programs across the US for which public safety professionals can request attendance through an open registration process. Tuition, lodging (except Federal participants), and training materials will be provided to the participant. Transportation will be covered in some instances, check the website for further information. Their available courses are listed below.

Basic Forensic Response to Missing and Abducted Children (FRMAC)

Canvassing, Search and Recovery Strategies for Missing and Abducted Children (CSRS)

Child Abduction Response Team (CART)

Investigative Strategies for Missing and Abducted Children (ISMAC)

Leadership for Missing and Abducted Children (LMAC)

Specialized Investigative Techniques in Child Abduction Cases (SITCAC)

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

Through its Office of State and Local Training, FLETC provides both introductory and advanced tuition-free and low-cost training to state, local, campus and tribal law enforcement agencies. Programs hosted by local law enforcement agencies take place at various sites around the country.

Bureau of Justice Assistance supports law enforcement, courts, corrections, treatment, victim services, technology and prevention initiatives that strengthen the nation’s criminal justice system. BJA is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Through its National Training and Technical Assistance Center, BJA offers training in the areas of adjudication, corrections, counterterrorism, crime prevention, information sharing, law enforcement, mental health and substance abuse.

DNA Initiative

The DNA Initiative provides funding, training and assistance to ensure that forensic DNA reaches its full potential to solve crimes, protect the innocent and identify missing persons. Extensive training resources, including free online materials, publications and training aids, are

Multijurisdictional Drug Task Force

available for forensic scientists, officers and investigators, medical personnel, officers of the court and victim advocates.

National Sheriffs’ Association

Through a cooperative agreement with the Office on Violence Against Women, part of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, NSA developed and delivers tuition-free rural law enforcement training titled “Domestic Violence Intervention and Investigation.” This program is offered to law enforcement, prosecutors, criminal justice personnel and victim advocates in small

towns and rural areas. Under the same agreement, NSA developed the tuition-free Domestic Violence Training for Communications Professionals (Dispatchers/Call Takers) curriculum for communications professionals from small towns and rural areas.

Police Officers Safety Association

POSA, the training arm of the Disabled Police and Sheriffs Foundation, Inc., aims to increase safety and effectiveness for law enforcement officers and enhance community security through free and low-cost advanced education and training. In partnership with, POSA offers a number of free tactical training videos on subjects including tactical shotgun usage, crisis

entry, disarming, close quarter shooting, active shooter and knife defense.

International Association of Chiefs of Police - Juvenile Justice

This project focuses on increasing the capacity of law enforcement professionals to address juvenile victimization, delinquency and crime from a holistic perspective, and includes no-cost training workshops.

IACP - Gun Violence Reduction

The IACP with support from the BJA provides no-cost training and technical assistance to the law enforcement community to improve their gun violence reduction and prosecution efforts. Free training for law enforcement and prosecutors. Please contact for more information.


December 6-8, 2011 Project Safe Neighborhoods Anti-Gang Conference-Tampa, FL

Register online at or call the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) at (800) 446-0912, extension 285 or 300.

December 12, 2011 Detecting Hidden Compartments Training-Tampa, FL 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM
To Register: Email your name, rank and agency name to:

The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center

(Technology Assistance, Free Training, Product Evaluation).

NLETC Northwest


NLETC Rocky Mountain

Multi Jurisdictional Drug Task Force Training

NLETC Northeast

NLETC Southeast

NLECTC National

Border Research and Technology Center (BRTC)

Rural Law Enforcement Technology Center (RULETC)

Office of Law Enforcement Technology Commercialization

Office of Law Enforcement Standards

National Institute of Justice Law Enforcement Training

NIJ sponsors a variety of courses, both online and in a classroom, for criminal justice professionals.

National Institute of Corrections

Through its National Corrections Academy, NIC provides training, technical assistance, information services and policy/program development assistance to federal, state and local corrections agencies. Training covers a broad range of correctional disciplines and topics

including leadership, jail and prison programming, offender reentry and mental health.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Free Training, Free Equipment, Free Technical Assistance, & Free Investigative Assistance.

Child Fatality Investigation, Responding to Missing and Abducted Children, Chief Executive Officer Training for Missing Children.

Free Drug Enforcement Training

Midwest Counter Drug Training Center

North Dakota National Guard



Regional Information Sharing Systems - Low cost - Free or discounted training for intelligence gathering, gang & drug investigations, and task force organizatoin.

Six RISS regions:

Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network® (MAGLOCLEN)

Mid-States Organized Crime Information Center® (MOCIC)

New England State Police Information Network® (NESPIN)

Rocky Mountain Information Network® (RMIN)

Regional Organized Crime Information Center® (ROCIC)

Western States Information Network® (WSIN)

National Center for Rural Law Enforcement, Free Training -

Weapons of Mass Destruction Training

Free Training at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center) Soccoro, New Mexico.

Free Training through Louisiana State University Academy of Counter Terrorism (Train the Trainer Response to WMD Incidents – Travels throughout the US).

WMD Hands On Training – COBRA Training Center, Anniston, AL.

WMD Radiological/Nuclear Course for Hazmat Technicians, Mercury, NV.

Response to Anthrax Training, US EPA.

NRC Incident Response, Auburn, NE.

Missing Persons Training. This three-day conference facilitated by NFSTC brought together experts from the FBI, NIJ, the Attorney General’s office and forensic experts from around the nation to discuss investigation of missing persons cases. You can view the presentations

online at