Magic Square Wartune

This guide will show you how to get the most out of Magic Squares in the fastest time. First, here is the board: The objective is: 1) Light up squares until 4 or more squares in a line are touching each other. 2) Light the most number of squares in a single clear as possible. Strategy: There are 4 lines of squares that pass through the center. Dragon City Battle Guide by cantavanda. Watch our #PlayOn Playlist. Throughout this long time, you’ve been protecting your homeland from threats within and without, you’ve defeated countless demon hordes, beaten malicious wizards and cultists, destroyed ravenous monsters who tried to devour peaceful citizens or relieve them of their livelihood. user Login
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[New]Wartune Strategies for Patch 6.3

Magic Square WartuneMagic


A magic square is an arrangement of numbers in a square in such a way that the sum of each row, column, and diagonal is one constant number, the so-called 'magic constant.' This article will tell you how to solve any type of magic square, whether odd-numbered, singly even-numbered, or doubly-even numbered. The constant values $ M $ of the sums of the magic squares have a minimum value (for non-zero integer positive values). $$ M = n (n ^ 2 + 1) / 2 $$ For a size 3x3, the minimum constant is 15, for 4x4 it is 34, for 5x5 it is 65, 6x6 it is 111, then 175, 260.

Thank you for participating in the strategy event for Wartune’s Patch 6.3! We received many strategies and tips, and we will share the best with you so you can become the best warrior in Wartune!
When in Magic Square, the best strategy is to clear 17 squares at once as the picture shows. Each player takes one of the 4 corners. The center (in purple) should be attacked only after you defeat the rest of enemies.

by αsυηα S675

I can complete Road to Glory on Nightmare pretty easily by only using the buffs that increase my Stats directly, as the buffs stack in every round. You will be able to skip the first 12 levels every day if you can complete Nightmare as well.

by ShadowOfDark S147

The best way to beat Magic Squares is to make and X and + pattern. Starting at the top square, do 1,3,5; in the next row 2,3,4; in the middle 1,2,4,5; next row 2,3,4 and in the bottom row 1,3,5. Then, one player will hit a square with a buff before attacking the square in the center. Repeat until you complete it or you run out of time.

Magic Square Wartune App

by ninja69 S13

In Magic Squares, complete 13 squares starting from the middle and going to the corners and then hit the middle square.

by MastrBlastr S496


In Magic Squares, make sure you have great teamwork when going from the center to the corners creating an X. Then, complete squares to create a + but avoiding the square in the very middle until you are done. Then, attack the center. It’s all about removing 17 squares, do it like this and you will get all 36 chests.

by Stormangel S247

For Magic Square, our team crosses the center from up to down and right to left creating a +. Then from the up right corner to the left down corner and from the right down corner to the left up corner forming an X. Then we attack the central square. And we leave the extra chests for the end, only if we have time.

by Sol◊Angel◊S306

Road to glory is very cool! When the fights start getting harder in Nightmare mode I switch to Hard mode. And after completing 1 level and getting the buffs I get back to Nightmare mode so I can finish it.

Magic Squares needs a strategy for sure. You need to start completing squares creating a X. 4 players will start at the same time and the strongest player should go for the central enemy to have better chances to win. And don’t forget to use the buffs for better results.

by Razvi S1

Congratulations to the winners and their strategies! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us and the rest of the players of Wartune. You are the real heroes!

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How To Play Magic Square Wartune

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